Welcome to my personal's page

You can see my porfolio on Github and Gitlab. My account Rpubs for R projects.

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About me

You can see my projects on Github and my projects on Gitlab . My account Rpubs for R projects: https://rpubs.com/lov95

👋🏽 Hi, I’m Lova and I’m Data Scientist in Business Intelligence at International Carriers

🎓 Graduate from CNAM in Network and Telecommunication Master’s Degree and I hold a certificate of specialization in Big data analysis and I have recently got a certificate of specialization in AI at CNAM

🌇 Work in Remote and my office is in Paris

📚 Analyze the CRM’s opportunities, upselling, churn prevention, customer acquisition, cross-selling, forecast revenues and internet IP traffic with power BI Gitlab CI/CD. I analyzed as Data Analyst the KPIs data and optimized the quality of service RAN 2G/3G/4G. I used to be an infrastructure project manager designing the engineering of the network room. (chilled water production, electric power generation, fire suppression system).

💻 As for my future, I hope to one day work as Machine Learning Engineer. I use Gitlab CICD https://gitlab.com/docgero3 and Github actions https://github.com/rant95

🏔 In my free time, I enjoy practicing Yoga, Inline Hockey and running. Obviously I enjoy watching movies and TV show.

💪🏽 My strengths are Analytical, leadership, Storytelling, Curiosity, multi-cloud, project management and Team player. I have some certificate on cloud computing such as:

My Projects

Power BI report

Gitlab Churn Prevention

Python: Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Decison Tree

Gitlab LRFM Scoring dashboard

Python: Hierarchical ascending classification, Kmeans

Gitlab IP Traffic Forecast

Python: ARIMA, Expontial smoothing, Variationel autoencoder Multivariate, LSTM Multivariate & Univariate

Power Automate Cloud

[Extraction text from pdf with AI Builder and add row into excel on Sharepoint ]

The flow: When a new email arrives with specific attachment, the pdf is saved into sharepoint folder then the AI Builder with custom model for sale contract extracts the text and adds a row into the table.

Process Mining

Data Science projects

Bot AI OpenAI

I built a bot AI in JavaScript with openAI API on Discord Script Bot AI

This is the channel on Discord to test the bot AI

Alexa skills